Monday, November 28, 2005

Brimful of Asher

A new showroom opening last Thursday down near Waterloo saw the presence of cake and Crossroads legend Jane Asher. As desperate as I was to ask her about Alfie, Paul McCartney, the Maharishi and the fact that some of the Beatles' best love songs were written about her, she was unfortunately more interested in talking about her kitchen. A case of Here, There and Betterware.

No, you're right, that didn't really work.

Anyway, she had, predictably, baked a cake especially for the occasion but I'm sorry to report that it was also a let down. Does anyone actually like fruit cake with marzipan? Hmm? Anyone? No, of course not. If you're doing a cake for an occasion involving the consumption by a group then you go with chocolate or a sponge, any cake-baking fool knows that. Shame on you Asher.